Saturday, January 2, 2010

I woke up to a strange sound. It sounded like rustling and knocking of some sort... Anyway, I rolled over out the bed, and slid my feet into my Tink slippers G-Daddy bought me for Christmas. I walked just outside of my room and saw a strange man carrying loads of luggage down my stairs. Unalarmed at the least I spoke.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"My time here is up. Now I must go", he replied.

"Well who the heck are you? And where are you going?" I asked

"You know who I am, and let me show you where I'm going"....

He winked his eye and the walls seemed to spin. Normally I'd be pissing my pants by now, but for some reason I was not afraid. I guess my balance got a little knocked off, because before I knew it, there I was lying on my back staring at an unfamiliar ceiling that came off as a sky.

"Where am I?" I thought aloud. I got up, walked around a bit... "Hello? Mister? Where'd you go? HEEEELLLOOOO???" Finding myself a little frightened but a little more pissed off, I decided lie down in the grass... Grass? Where did this come from? Too much, who cares? I dozed off...

I had a dream...

Well, more like a flashback...

I saw it all.

I saw me. I saw you. I saw us. I saw them. I saw then. I saw now. I saw how. I saw why. I saw... I never wanted to see, but I saw... get it? Regret? Dang word never had so much meaning... I saw...

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" I woke up. Rolled over out the bed, and slid my feet into my Tink slippers G-Daddy bought me for Christmas. I stepped just outside my door and heard a baby crying. I went downstairs and saw a basket by the front door. I opened the basket and there was the baby. Then there was a short note.

Now do you know who I am?


Confused, I picked the baby up to change it because it really smelled. While unbuttoning his coat, I noticed an unusual mark on the side of the baby's neck. I pulled down the shirt, to get a better look, the mark seemed to be a number.
Indeed it was. The mark read: 2010...

I woke up again. Rolled over out the bed, and slid my feet into my Tink slippers G-Daddy bought me for Christmas. Before I could make it to the door, my kid cousin burst through.

"Happy New Year!!!" he exclaimed

And then it all made sense... I'm just sayin...


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